Thursday, August 25, 2011

The mystery of 'Life after Death'

Blog posts from the great beyond?

Well since Oregon is ‘beyond’ the East coast and the Midwest I guess that qualifies…basically I’m saying, no I’m not dead, yet, hence today’s post! And what shall we blog about? Gooooooood question. There is one major thing on my mind today and all because I sell fun, cuddly, evil, twisted, sweet, purdy, and unique OOAK artworks on Etsy. I’m part of a huge community of weirdos (we prefer the term artisans) that do the same. Many of us make things from scratch, but some of us are far more creative or maybe just ‘inherit’ too much of other people’s junk, and thus has been born the ‘upcyclers’.

These unique individuals take the whole ‘one man’s trash is another’s treasure’ very seriously. I’ve seen belts that used to be bicycle tires, night lights that were once jars, and most recently a pet bed sure to make your pet feel like a real star! Yes that’s right, some wonderful soul has finally figured out the perfect solution to the issue of what to do with obsolete technology Yep folks that was a TV and I’ve gotta say, all joking aside, I think it’s AWESOME! OH but maybe you didn’t know I too suffer from bouts of upcyling. Some would say no spoon/fork is safe when I’m around I love bending old spoons to my will and yep I do wear a lot of what I make.

If you think about it, really think about it, a ring made from a spoon is sturdier than your typical jewelry counter crap. I mean just think of a spoon’s life in comparison to a ring’s- The spoon, ‘Not only do I have to look pretty, I have to work. I have scoop up stuff, sometimes I’m used like a knife, I’m tossed in the sink, knocked against my fellow spoons and distant relatives the forks and knives, and shoved in a dark drawer to do it all over again. If I’m lucky, I’ll survive the encounter with the garbage disposal better than the last guy.’ The ring- ‘All I gotta do is sparkle and shine. I gotta look good on dress up days and hang out in the soft comfort of the jewelry box when I’m not working.’ Ummm, yes, I did just look at life from an object’s point of view, but you were warned, I’m a little ‘disturbed’ *giggle*.

So I guess today’s post is both informative, important, and a little bit of a challenge to you! Next time you’re out and about or hell even if you look in your shed/garage and you find ‘junk’ imagine what it could really be! Now go and be creative.


  1. Great post, Amber! LOVE it! Your writing, as usual, is wonderful. I really enjoy your humor. (grin)

  2. Thanks! I realize I've been remiss in keeping this up the last couple of days but I will catch it up... hopefully later tonight! soon as I figure out what to blog about *giggle*

  3. I have been so out of touch this past few weeks--I didn't even see your reply! You are such a talented young lady. (grin)
